Tom Dennis is a resident of Fort Gratiot where he and Laurie Melms Dennis, his wife of 47 years, tend to their bird and butterfly-friendly gardens. He is a speaker and free-lance writer, passionate birder, advanced master gardener, creation scientist, and naturalist, with degrees from Michigan State University in Zoology and Biology. Tom is an active member of Blue Water Audubon Society, Master Gardeners of St. Clair County, Port Huron Civic Theater, Ross Bible Church, Tapestry Garden Club, Blueways of St. Clair, and is a steward of the Blue Water Riverwalk with Friends of the St. Clair River.
Yellow-billed Cuckoo, Coccyzus americanus By Tom Dennis Now before you think I’m well typecast because I once played the catatonic character in One Flew Over...
By Tom Dennis Eastern Towhee, Pipilo erythrophthalmus One of my favorite spring arrival birds, an Eastern Towhee, showed up in the back yard last week...
By Tom Dennis Brown Thrasher, Toxostoma rufum Who’s responsible for taking the mulch from your flower beds and spreading it all over the walkway edges...
By Tom Dennis Northern Flicker, Colaptes auratus We have received several messages lately with pictures of this beautiful bird, asking for assistance with identification. The...
Septophaga caerulescens By Thomas Dennis The spring bird migration is well upon us and actually, it’s about half-way complete. Most of the migrating waterfowl have...