Blue Water Healthy Living Archives

The Poet’s Corner – “Rising”

By John Yurgens


Like the phoenix rising from the ashes

As a Stroke survivor, I see myself rising from the ruins of a shattered/ broken man.

A mere shell l of the man I was before 11-12-13 (aneurysm/stroke date)

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Destroyed physically mentally emotionally vocationally

Many Trials and errors attempting to pick up those pieces of my pre stroke life.

Multiple Attempts Fail; not from lack of effort or desire.

Even if the pieces can be found, they will not match up.

Like a bad jig saw puzzle the pieces won’t fit together

Much Like Humpty dumpty no one can put the old me back together again

Reinventing me, redefining me or rediscovering me.

Still a:






Friend to so many.

Now a poet once again

My gift of writing I pushed aside all those years ago;   life you know.

  I am humbled and blessed to be allowed to share my words with you and the world.

 So therapeutic to record my thoughts and feelings.  Simply writing them down helps me sort things out and make sense of the new me in my new normal.

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