Blue Water Healthy Living Archives

Rare Bear: The Popcorn Vendor

Photo by shannon VanDenHeuvel on Unsplash

By Rev. C.J. Barry Kentner

Malachi 2: 1-9

In the first Chapter of Malachi, God points out that slaves honor their masters, and sons honor their fathers…but in Verse 6 He asks “Where is the honor due me?”

Reading on, we find that the Priests have been offering not the choicest, unblemished animals for the sacrifices of the temple, but animals that are crippled or sick! God’s question is very open, honest and legitimate. 
But it doesn’t just speak to the Priests….it speaks to every Christian.

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In the opening line Scripture notes that this is the Word of the Lord, through Jeremiah for Israel. If you are a Christian, you have been adopted into the Family of God. By accepting the Sacrifice of God’s Perfect Lamb, Jesus Christ, you have been ‘grafted’ into the Vine, and you have become part of Spiritual Israel.

On that basis…Malachi’s Word to Israel has certainly spoken to me. Verse 13 asks another question…. Why should He; the Creator, accept a second-rate gift? He made the world: galaxies, vegetation, and animals. The oceans, marine life, and to top it off he created us. And then gave us the honor of beneficiary and steward. These creations…these gifts, are ours!

If we bring an offering to god that is less than perfect, is it really a sacrifice?

While I had read this prophet’s words many times, the truth is that I never applied those questions to my own personal life and walk with Christ, until one evening a Bible Study helped to open my spiritual understanding.

Moving into Chapter two, we find that after reprimanding His children, He turns His attention to the Priests.

I am an ordained minister; A Servant and Priest of God. And I begin to read these words: ‘IF you do not listen and IF you do not set your heart to honor My Name…I will send a curse upon you and I will curse your blessings! Yes, I have already cursed them, because you have not set your heart to honor Me.

OK, you say…but That is the Old Testament. Jesus’ death replaced the law of Moses. Yes, it did…but when we become a member of God’s family, a part of our Eternal Inheritance is that law. Knowing it has been replaced by the Covenant of Agape Love, we have a responsibility to ourselves to lift the burden of that law, and with the Blood of Jesus Christ, apply it to the curses.


The whistle’s pitch was high…
It seemed that you could hear it for a mile!
And I remember as a child
It always made us smile!
It meant: “The Popcorn Man” was coming: –
With a two-wheeled hand cart that he pushed along the streets
Freshly popped and buttered, it was one of our favorite treats.
The cart was white, with two big wheels
And the corn filled a frame of glass
Inside was a metal kettle-
Heated by a little flame I’m sure was fed by gas.
It was in that metal kettle, that the yellow butter bubbled,
As we waited while he filled the bag
Then poured it on the corn
There was nothing ever better
Then that oily, bubbling butter,
From that little metal kettle
On the corn!

{c} Rev.C.J.Barry Kentner 07/11

Barry was born in Toronto, Ontario in 1935 and schooled to Grade 10, but continued educational pursuits until age 65 when he graduated from Open Word Bible College. He started working for Spitzer and Mills advertising in 1952, then moved to the Broadcast arena where for 62 years he was News Director and Talk Show Host at several Canadian Radio Stations. He was one of 5 consultants who managed to lobby for Christian Radio in Canada, and in the last five years before retirement, he was News Director of Canadian Altar.Net News, a network of 25 Christian Radio Stations across Canada from Charlottetown PEI to Campbell River BC.
Barry Kentner is a semi-retired pastor.

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